The Friday Question: 25 May 2012











What one word connects the three books above?

I will wait till 1600 BST tomorrow, Sunday, and observe how people fare. If necessary I will then add a fourth item to the three above to try and make it easier.


5 thoughts on “The Friday Question: 25 May 2012”

  1. Enid Blyton was one of my favorite British authors as a teenager..writing never ending series of books .. I know that’s not the connection, but looking at their past, all have gone through some grief (parents divorced or passed away, wife died of cancer).. could this be a connection?

  2. Nope, if I look hard enough, I could connect any group of people together with some trauma or grief inducing event or experience. This is something very specific

  3. Hey JP I had posted my response to this Friday question – did you remove it ?

Let me know what you think

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