Thinking more about Facebook and social networks and e-mail

Whenever I get the chance, I talk to people about just how they use Facebook as part of their day-to-day business. Today it was my sister Jayapriya’s turn. She runs a literary agency out of India and China and Singapore and a few other places, and was in town for the book far. She described … Continue reading “Thinking more about Facebook and social networks and e-mail”

Why I still use Facebook, and other musings on social networks

I am sometimes bemused by life. Confused even. Over the last few months it has become ever more fashionable to bash social networks in general, and Facebook in particular; the king is dead, long live the new king, blah blah. Just a few months ago, you couldn’t walk around without bumping into a Facebook conference, … Continue reading “Why I still use Facebook, and other musings on social networks”

More musings about what makes Facebook different

A few days ago, I commented on the some of the reasons why I thought Facebook was different, and ended with this: So that’s my guess, that Facebook is a multidimensional conversation. Why is that important to the enterprise? Why is it important to work-life balance? These are questions I will seek to answer over … Continue reading “More musings about what makes Facebook different”

Meandering around as a result of strange Facebook status messages

One of my friends twittered : Gort, Klaatu Barada Nikto :  a little while ago, and it showed up in his Facebook stream. That took me back a while. I had seen that phrase in so many contexts over the years that I began to wonder whether someone had bothered to write a Wikipedia entry … Continue reading “Meandering around as a result of strange Facebook status messages”

Some Friday evening ruminations around Facebook et al

I guess I used to be a CIO for a while. At least that’s what my business card said. I have so far not been able to convince my employers, past or present, to let me call myself Grand Panjandrum or (my current preference) CXO (formally expanded as Chief Something-Or-The-Other). So CIO it was, and … Continue reading “Some Friday evening ruminations around Facebook et al”