Four Pillars: The Personal Wayback Machine Rides Again

Well, it looks like normal service has been restored, to all practical intents and purposes. The community has been fantastic, coming up with rich and varied suggestions as to how I could salvage the blog. A number of you scraped Google caches and sent the salvage on, particularly Chris and Doc. One, Myrto, had a complete set of my posts in Outlook via Newsgator. Some of you, particularly Malc, pointed me at the feedburner cache where the last 73 posts were available. My Mac account had a faithful copy of all comments received for moderation. While Google, Wayback Machine and Feedburner were less than complete, Niall found that Alexa had the complete store.

So there were lots of suggestions, all of them good; lots of routes to take, all of them good, but with varying results and time: particularly in the context of timed and dated posts, integrity of past inbound links, visibility of comments and links and images. Malc, Steve and Tim did the thinking about the best way to do it, and then Tim made it happen. In seconds flat.

Thank you everyone. Particularly Steve and Tim.
As promised, I will share what I learnt, once I have had the chance to think it through. I’ve learnt many things. But the first thing that occurs to me is: Wow. P2P backup? But then I’m weird that way.

3 thoughts on “Four Pillars: The Personal Wayback Machine Rides Again”

  1. AHHH back to normal again :)

    one lesson shopuld point to the fact when the web fails, the phone is still the best copmmunications medium :)

  2. an impressive recovery. and yeah, not to slight Alexa and the other technologies that were crucial, the social dimension is the most impressive part of it.

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