I now have a name for the boy in the photograph. A location. A date. And a small piece of evidence that may help me find out who has the rights to the photograph, so that I can acquire a large print, or even the rights to the photograph itself. Amazing what the blogosphere and the web can do. More when I know more.
Who knows, maybe in a few years’ time, or maybe sooner, I will be able to move my cursor over any photograph to find out who has the rights to it and how to contact that person or persons; maybe even the price, or a Creative Commons watermark. Wouldn’t that be nice?
Smile JP. David Hughes is building such a system. [email protected]. I wrote about it 10 months ago here.
Sigh. not sure whats broken – here is the url referenced above at “here”
Yes! That is indeed one of the directions of things to come. Remember Bruce Stirling’ spimes?