Stuff I’m reading, part 99.94

[Why 99.94? To commemorate Don Bradman’s Test average. Don would have been 101 last month.]

Here’s what I’m reading right now:

Why do I share this? Three reasons.

One, because some of you ask me for this regularly. When I complete the blog makeover I will have some sort of library widget in the sidebar so that this process becomes easier. But then again it will stop me writing about the books, which could be a bad thing.

Two, because I will discover other people to read as a result of your comments and guidance. Posts like this one tend to attract comments along the lines of “If you’ve read this you must….” and “If you like her then you should…”.

Three, because it makes me think about my current reading portfolio, see the wood for the trees. I am not always aware of the ten books I’m reading.

Let me know which ones you’re interested in and I will “review” them once I finish reading them.

4 thoughts on “Stuff I’m reading, part 99.94”

  1. It’s good to see someone else who keeps lots of books on the go at once. I have a short attention span and my wife always chuckles at the basket of books by my side of the bed – but I love it. Every night I get to choose between (currently) Sailing, Physics, Silicon Valley, Isaac Newton, Meditation… different evenings, different moods, different books. If a book gets dusty because it’s been in the basket for months and hasn’t been pulled out, it goes away. Kind of natural selection. I am going to go look at these JP, thanks for sharing.

  2. Interesting list of books. I too have several books on the go at the moment, some on e-learning, an Italian detective book, a book on the science and politics of fear and a biography of Rudolf Nueryev. Have you looked at shelfari – you can share the books you read on this site, give them a rating and include a review and also see what others think of the same book. They have a widget which you can embed in a blog and this might be a way for you to keep writing about the books you read. Would be interested to hear what you think about Church Shift.

  3. I thought I was horrible with my attention span and I read maybe 3/4 at a time. 10! wonder how you keep track of all that info :)

    Anyhoo, I use a site called goodreads. Dunno if you have heard of it. It can search for items from amazon etc.. and has a plugin in wordpress. Oh yeah, and it has a “socNET” feature (naturally).

    You can add me here, and I will be able to keep in touch with what you are reading etc.

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