on locked in devices

Guess it had to happen sometime: with all my rants against device lock in, someone had to find a way of making me partially dependent on such a device.

Boy was it painful. But I’m alive and well and sore and tired. And fitted with the ultimate lock in. A pacemaker.

I think it was Churchill who said he detested the idea of old age until he considered the alternatives.

Thanks for all your wishes and prayers.I really appreciate them.

21 thoughts on “on locked in devices”

  1. as long as the ‘locked in’ device keeps you from getting ‘locked out’

    best wishes and preayers for a speedy recovery…

    ‘growing old’ is mandatory, “growing up” is optional…


  2. Good grief – I’d totally taken your understatement at face value and inferred flu or perchance a hernia. Wishing you full and rapid recuperation.

  3. I agree with John Dodds – you underplayed that one beautifully! Look after yourself (is that belated advice?) – at least from now on …

  4. “Growing old is the only way I have found not to die young” (Daniel Pennac) all the best & take care (we want to read you often still ;-)

  5. I am so glad and thankful that your surgery went off well and that you are “sore and tired” but alive and well.

    I know you take good care of yourself, so no lectures necessary!

    Much love and prayers from all of us here.

  6. Best wishes for a snappy recovery.

    Can you resist replacing the firmware of your pacemaker with open source code? It would give new meaning to “living proof” that open source works.

  7. For now I can resist. Don’t know enough about the product or market.

    I need three things to happen in order for opensource to make sense:

    the “product” is commoditised or commoditising

    Linus’s Law has a chance of being in operation, there are enough eyeballs

    the infrastructure within which I am using the “product” has sufficiently open feedback and feedforward loops

    after one day with the device in question, I cannot say yes to any of these….

    But it’s agreat question, Lars. And one I will track actively in order to try and call the tipping point.

  8. OH! Do take care of yourself! Distracted me thought that you had some little injury on your little finger, but this one is major repair and maintenance. Sometimes technology has its upsides, considering the alternatives, that is.

    Get well, and take your time.

  9. My best whishes ! Now that I read your more recent blogs (27th) I deduct the pacemaker works well. Do not play with its software!
    Have a great 2007

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