Look ma no DRM
So let me get this right. They think they make 10 times as much selling their books direct electronic in comparison with traditional ways. Go Grateful Dead. Go Arctic Monkeys.
Thin market, complex product, proves nothing, I hear you say.
But that’s not all. If I have interpreted some of the comments correctly, they sold the electronic versions in pdf format without DRM.
Wow. Careful with that ax, Eugene…..
Take the Cerado quiz on [I promised not to]

And by going to the quiz I had a chance to see where Haystack had got to.
Four Pillars makes no sense unless we accept that there will be StumbleUpons and last.fms and haystacks. We have a foundation (which I promised to build out next week) and four pillars. But what are the pillars holding up or supporting? More later
Four pillars: More on Generation M
But in the meantime…. I want to be able to share all the reading I do, in true blogs-are-opensource-idea-markets style. So….
In the context of the behaviours and habits of Generation M, I have found some of the research done by the Kaiser Family Foundation invaluable. You can find their latest report on Generation M here. Well worth a read, both the 1999 version as well as the 2005 one I reference here.
The importance of blogs in anchoring/framing and building metaphor
- What is the internet?
- Who owns it and how do we pay for it?
- What about the stuff that touches it, whatever it is, and how do we pay for that stuff?
I have taken part in many discussions on this and related issues, covering the web, telcos and cablecos, big media and music and film, copyright, intellectual property right and now digital right.
And all the debates boil down in the end to the words and images we use. if we are to protect what we care for, we need better arguments, better metaphors, better anchors and frames. And blogs are great tools to do just that.
Recent discussions about opensource and internet and the iTunes decision in France have only served to bring this out more glaringly to me.
So here’s another to throw into the pot: Dana Blankenhorn asking about the internet, following on from some posts in a separate “Cook Report conversationâ€. Well worth a read, just to see how much imagery matters.
Are we moving to a time when sticks and stones will hurt us less than words? Are we already there?